| 品牌:TECHMATION | | 型号:AK668 | | 芯片厂商:AMD | |
| 适用类型:工作站 | | 主板架构:A TX | | CPU插槽类型:AM2 940 | |
| 前端总线频率:1000 | | 板载网卡:有板载网卡 | | 显卡:独立显卡 | |
供应佳明注塑机弘讯AK668电脑 佳明机AK668电脑 全新现货,保修一年.维修佳明注塑机弘讯AK668电脑 佳明机AK668电脑 解决佳明注塑机电脑不显示,不工作,白屏,手动灯不亮,按键按不了,按键没反映,资料不保存.温度不显示,温度乱跳,显示温度与实际温度不一致,压力流量不稳定等问题.
High-speed signal processors using DSP54
System stability, low failure rate, adapt to a variety of industrial environments
Gasoline-electric hybrid closed loop servo control, each with independent PID control
operation, high accuracy
Input / output specifications flexible, scalable, and cost-effective
Full digital control, information technology, high degree of intelligence
详情: QQ:--- 张小姐